Sunday, July 30, 2006

Watch It - The 1994 Fantastic Four Movie Trailer

So glad I finally found this. I looked for this a while back but couldn’t find anything but screenshots. This is the trailer for the original Fantastic Four movie that was completed in 1994. You never saw it in the theaters because it never got there. In fact some stories claim that it was never intended for the big screen. Produced and Directed by Roger Corman who is known more for getting movie done under budget than for its artist merits, was hired to finish the movie just so the company that owned the rights to making a Fantast Four movie could retain that right. Now I haven’t seen the movie in its entirety but just from the trailer it looks way worse than the more recent movie though there are those that really like the original. Check out the trailer and judge for yourself. By the way, you can’t buy the full length version anywhere so that’s why I have no links to the full length version.


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